The Green Street Project takes a look at 400 years of Greene Street between Prince and Houston. Based on a report the site brings the data to life through maps, old/new reveals like the one above, charts, movies, and text, in a really … [Read More...]
Secret Poems of Boston
By Josh Mack
We love the idea of secret messages and stories that are out in the open. In Boston when it rains and your eyes are looking down you might find poetry under your feet as a result of a new project … [Read More...]
OldNYC brings the New York Public Library NYC photo archive to your phone
By Josh Mack
Who doesn't love a large geotagged data set of historical photos? The OldNYC app let's you click on a location and pull images from the NY Public Library's Photographic Views of New York City, … [Read More...]
Exploring London’s Poetic Places
By Josh Mack
A nice app that maps poems to places in London . You can browse and it also has notifications so you would get an alert if you were actually in London near the spot that was the inspiration for … [Read More...]
Exploring NYC’s Flower District With Susan Orlean
By Josh Mack
New York used to have many more business specific districts. You can still buy fabric on 38th Street between 7th and 8th Avenues but many of them are gone or diminished as new development … [Read More...]
Vibrating Shoes Show You The Way
By Josh Mack
EasyJet has released a smart sneaker project that lets your shoes guide you around a city. When synched with your phone your left or right sneaker will vibrate to signal the direction you should walk … [Read More...]
Jane Jacobs at 100
By Josh Mack
Google celebrated Jane Jacob's birthday with this doodle. … [Read More...]